To order your personalized copy of A Noel Nighty Night
and receive a complimentary photo of Diana and Ceilidh, just send a check or
money order in the amount of $18 (US Funds) for CD or $13 for tapes to:
Raeworks Music, PO Box 158241, Nashville, TN 37215
(Prices include $3.00 postage and handling)
- 1. The name of the person you would like the CD or tape signed to
- 2. Male or Female? Adult or Child?
- 3. The mailing address you want it sent to.
- 4. Please note that the CD or Cassette shrink wrap will be removed for signing. If you would prefer that Diana sign the photo instead, please specify.
- Note: Because these requests are handled individually through our office, we will not be able to accept credit card orders. If you prefer to pay by credit card, please order from the Sample and Buy music page or Call 1-800-BUY-MY-CD (800-289-6923)
Many Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!