Ceilidh's Corner
Where Life's a Celebration and Everyday is Christmas!
Hi there! Welcome to Ceilidh'sCorner!
Ceilidh (say Kay-lee) is a Celtic word - it means a party - an evening of song,dance and storytelling.
Our Ceilidh is a very sweet-spirited Cairn Terrier who thinks every moment is a party, and that's how she got her name. Ceilidh lives with Diana Rae and her husband Paul. She'll join you every now and
then while you are browsing our site.
Here is a photo of Ceilidh with Diana Rae.
This is from the inside of Diana's
award-winning CD
A Noel Nighty Night
(a delightful collection of original
Christmas songs and lullabies.)
This album has won many awards and it's
Ceilidh's favorite Holiday CD!
If you would like to hear a sample of
A Noel Nighty Night
If you'd like to order the
CD or Cassette, just
<<< click on the album cover.
Win a Noel Nighty Night Cassette and
Autographed photo!
e-mail us a photo (jpeg) of your special pet along with a short story about him or her.........or.........
e-mail us a picture that you've drawn (gif) along with a special Christmas memory that you have.
Each month, we will be choosing selected stories and pictures in each category to be posted in Ceilidh's Corner for everyone to enjoy. If your entry is selected, you will receive a prize of Diana Rae's A Noel Nighty Night casette along with an autographed photo of Diana and Ceilidh!
We look forward to hearing from you......good luck!
If you don't have a scanner at home, you can mail your photo and story to:
Raeworks Music - PO Box 158241 - Nashville, Tn., 37215
Make sure that you send us a copy of your picture, because we won't be able to return it - thanks.
This is Piper the Wonderdog!
Piper is now in doggie heaven, but he brought us so much joy during the
15 1/2 years that he lived with us, that we will never forget him.
Ceilidh misses Piper very much and he will always be included in Ceilidh's Corner. We will be posting a wonderful article about him that appeared in the Canadian publication, Country Music News,
We hope you'll come back to read it.
Here's Ceilidh with Piper
Cairn Terriers originated in the Highlands of Scotland. They are one of the oldest breeds.These perky little characters are commonly referred to as "little dogs with big personalities".. They are clever little tricksters and they love to learn. They also love to "strike a pose" as you can see from these pictures.
Many Cairns have starred in movies over the years because they are quick to learn commands. The most famous movie that starred a Cairn Terrier was The Wizard of Oz. Remember Toto? He looked just like Piper (or should I say that Piper looked just like him.) Anyway, Cairns come in any color except for white. If you see a white Cairn Terrier, it is actually a West Highland White Terrier. Stay tuned for more Cairn tidbits!
To order a personalized CD or Cassette of A Noel Nighty Night, and receive a complimentary, autographed photo of Diana Rae and Ceilidh, click here.
Message of the Month...
Ceilidh says "Get Hooked on a Book!"