Diana Rae's All-Original
Christmas Concert & Storytelling
Information for Elementary School and Library Performances
Show Discription: Diana Rae presents a unique and all-original Concert & Storytelling with a Christmas Eve theme. For schools in the public school system, no religiously based songs are included in the program unless specifically requested. The show includes a delightful, "message-driven" tale of Babbit the Snowshoe Rabbit, performed using character voices and props.
The Music: The music is fresh and new - it celebrates family and the spirit of the holiday season. Diana performs to fully-orchestrated tracks from her award-winning CD, A Noel Nighty Night. This highly praised album has already garnered three national parenting awards: the 1999 NAPPA Gold, the Parent's Guide to Children's Media "Classic", and the Parents' Choice. Diana was also honored with an invitation to perform A Noel Nighty Night at The White House.
To hear a sample of the music, click here.
To hear what Celbrities, Authors, Educators, Publishers, Parents and Kids have said, click here
The Message: Through music, storytelling and lots of audience participation, Diana touches on a variety of themes including:
- Stimulating the imagination with the magical Sleepytime Sleighride
Awakening curiosity with Diana's own special Canadian Christmas mystery memory of Pawprints in The Snow
Instilling respect for family, friends and teachers and pride in school and home
Encouraging participation with the rollicking Red Flannel Jammies
Celebrating diversity with holiday greetings in several languages and raising awareness by sharing stories of world origins of various holiday traditions
Discouraging mean-spiritedness and celebrating other people's successes with the message-driven original tale of Babbit the Snowshoe Rabbit, performed using
character voices and props.
Enjoying the season of joy with all of its magic and wonder!
Children enthusiastically
raising there hands to solve the mystery of Pawprints in the Snow.
Happy volunteers come to the
front to join Diana for
Red Flannel Jammies
How Long is the Program - What Grades?
The performance lasts for appoximately 45 minutes and it is geared primarily toward the pre-K to grade 3 age group. Many schools choose to include grades 4 and 5 as well - that is entirely up to the school.
What Does it Cost?
Pricing is dependent upon the venue, distance and details. Please call and we'll gladly discuss your individual needs and preferred performance date. Note: When the schedule allows, we offer a 'buddy-up' price - a substantial savings for two schools in close proximity that book on the same day. You may reach us at:
Raeworks Music 615-794-0076 or email us at Raeworks@comcast.net
Once the date is confirmed, we will send you a complimentary copy of A Noel Nighty Night to introduce the school to Diana's music. We also provide the school with a nice flyer, in the event that you choose to make copies to send home with the kids. Many schools who have the space, invite parents.
Note: Whenever we are within driving distance, we also provide professional sound at no extra charge. The only things for the school to provide are:
Clear access to an electrical outlet
An elevated stool for storytelling
A sturdy table or desk for props
Someone to help coordinate load in/out
Someone to introduce Ms. Rae (we will provide intro sheet)
Access to the performance area one hour prior to show
- Note: We realize that oftent
imes it is difficult to arrange for any stage dressing, particularly when we are in a gymnasium. However, any kind of additions that will help create a holiday environment would be appreciated and would enhance the audience's enjoyment.
Something Different To Consider - Evening Performances
We now offer evening shows for the schools. These shows provide a marvelous opportunity for the parents to share quality family entertainment with their children . We usually suggest approaching an evening show with more stage setting, and if possible, goodies and door prizes for the kids.
A Noel Nighty Night is a perfect show for the Title 1 Parent/Child involvement program.
Here we are at our evening show at Barfield Elementary in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The kids came decked out in their festive holiday PJs. The parents were seated at the back while the kids scooted in to be closer to Diana, especially for storytelling. Local merchants donated books for door prizes and everyone enjoyed milk and cookies after the show.
A great time was had by all! |
Thank you for sharing your presentation of A Noel Nighty Night with our school -- it was wonderful! The parents have thanked us a million times for having this show in the evening so they could enjoy some quality family time with their children. Your performance was so contagious that we played your CD all over the building the following morning! Once again, thank you for making our holiday family activity one that will never be forgotten!
-- Cynthia Ford, Barfield Elementary, Murfreesboro, Tn.
Fund Raising Opportunities:
The CD A Noel Nighty Night makes a tremendous fund raising tool for schools, libraries, churches, chambers and charitible organizations - particularly for an autumn fund raiser. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, think of all the uses the potential buyer could have for this CD. Gifts for family, friends, neighbors, teachers, grandparents, daycare workers, baby showers or stocking stuffers. Instead of being devoured in a few bites, as with the traditional chocolate bar or fruit, they
would have a beautiful and unique treasury of holiday music that will bring them enjoyment for years to come. Call our office for details.
Diana's concerts and CDs have helped to raise thousands of dollars for
charities benefiting children:
Storytelling with Senator Frist
DeDe Wallace Foundation Fund Raiser

Diana hosts a Toys for Tots Celebrity Auction
To order a personalized CD or Cassette of A Noel Nighty Night, and receive a complimentary, autographed photo of Diana Rae and Ceilidh, click here.
"With A Noel Nighty Night, Diana creates an interactive, creative, and joyful atmosphere - she captivates
the audience and always leaves them smiling!"
Find out what other schools have said about the show.
A Noel Nighty Night is truly a unique and heartwarming holiday experience, filled with a little song and story, a little learning and laughter, a little holiday magic
and a whole lot of fun!
Here's hoping that we'll be visiting your school, church or library
this Holiday Season!!